Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dr.Sweet Angel .."aagaman pari "


Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

Dr.sShalini Agam
u look so cute and glamours in words an d persona..

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

u are a blessed soul of min dan dsoul

it flows from ur gracious smile..persona and gravitating look

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

YOUR WORDS HAVE THE POWER TO PENETRATE MIND AND SOUL>>>So is bingfelt...FRAGRANCE of words are very deep an dtinckering

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

YOUR WORDS HAVE THE POWER TO PENETRATE MIND AND SOUL>>>So is bingfelt...FRAGRANCE of words are very deep an dtinckering

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

YOUR WORDS HAVE THE POWER TO PENETRATE MIND AND SOUL>>>So is bingfelt...FRAGRANCE of words are very deep an dtinckering

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

YOUR WORDS HAVE THE POWER TO PENETRATE MIND AND SOUL>>>So is bingfelt...FRAGRANCE of words are very deep an dtinckering

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

f u are with me i will finish compoding inonenight

ur chat make sme go wild

imaginations are put onfire..

u generate excitement...each pore of blood gets escited ..eachatom is charged

Dr.S.P. Mishra said...

ur pics are electrifying ,, the magnetism is dis turning ...excitement is unending

arpit tyagi said...

u have so glamerous look u are like rose petals spread all over

arpit tyagi said...

u have so glamerous look u are like rose petals spread all over

arpit tyagi said...

u have so glamerous look u are like rose petals spread all over

Anonymous said...

when i look at u an immense sense of fulfillment ...i fell amalgamation is complete ......

send me a nic epic dear ...cute an dhot...and i will write about

R.P.MEHRA said...

looking awesome Dr.Sweet Angelcute in blue.......ur figure now days is soo mouthwatering

Niashant kher said...

dr sahiba ... u r gem of a person beauty with brain.. so rare to find..

rituparn dubey said...

डॉ स्वीट एंजलजी, मुझ जैसे सौभाग्यशाली व्यक्ति के मित्रों में आप जैसे सुधी व सज्जन मित्रों की शुभकामनाएं व उनका सान्निध्य हो तो कुशलता का रहना लाजिमी हो जाता है। बस आपकी यह सदाशयता इसी तरह बनी रहे।

Mohan Rav said...

डॉ शालिनी अगम जी माँ सरस्वती की वरद् पुत्री होने के नाते आप सृजन एवं रचनाधर्मिता की त्रिवेणी का वह अपूर्व संगम है, जिसके चिंतन और सृजन में मौलिकता का समावेश तो होता ही है। साथ ही आपकी रचनाएं अपना प्रभाव भी अविस्मरणीय तरीके से पाठक मन पर छोड़ती हैं।

Dr.Shyam Mathur said...

congratulations dear Dr.Shalini Agam